Tilda Publishing

Jesus seemed to be often skeptical of crowds. In Luke 14: 27, he warned them, saying: "And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." He continued His admonition with the illustration of building a tower, challenging the crowd to count the cost of completing the work.

​The courses that TVS Ministries funds have a spiritual influence in more than 150 countries. Their ability to equip leaders and laypeople alike both theologically and with practical Christian application fuels their kingdom success in ministry centers, churches, home Bible studies, church planting efforts, children's homes, and discipleship training hubs across the globe. These courses help students, Pastors, and laypeople with the skills necessary to live, learn, and lead others. The investment in these courses produces a long-term impact that will bear fruit for many years.

Central Asia is primarily an Islam country, where even owning a Bible can be punishable. TVS Ministries helps fund nationals from closed countries for many course translation projects. These translators are secretly setting up unique dubbing equipment in resident locations. Dedicated believers train them on the dubbing process. Recently a group of Uzbek believers translated a course list into the Uzbek language.
The cost of following Jesus for the Chinese continues to be great. While working, a Chinese translator was translating the courses on Foundations of Evangelism and Church Planting, which was temporarily halted due to continuing efforts to stop evangelistic work in China (this is a common occurrence in other countries as well). This Chinese translator has persevered, and now plans are developing on how to complete and distribute these courses. 1.2 billion people speak Chinese, and TVS Ministries has funded five other courses carefully selected for evangelistic focus in this language group.
Requests by some Christian leaders in Brazil asked for courses to be translated into Spanish and Portuguese. TVS Ministries began to raise the necessary funds to translate the first translation project into Portuguese. Already available on YouTube channels in English and Russian, Dr. Duane Elmer's course on Cross-Cultural Communication was selected. All didactical materials were translated, video lectures were dubbed, and the course was made available in Portuguese on a Moodle educational platform. We also had an excellent fundraising campaign in 2022 for Spanish language translations, and the process has begun to get several courses translated into Spanish.
Realizing the need to preserve institutional theological integrity,
TVS Ministries thoughtfully funds courses whose US teachers and professors continue to be a vital source for trusted and Biblically based course material. Professors and alumni from esteemed colleges such as Dallas Theological Seminary in Texas and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois are just two prominent establishments with which Professors' courses are funded.
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