Tilda Publishing
Simply stated, planned giving integrates your personal planning goals with your charitable giving goals. In so doing, you create opportunities for charitable giving in circumstances that may not otherwise enable you to make an impact. Planned giving provides “something for everyone” by offering great flexibility through the many giving options available!
Expand the links below to learn more about each of the common types of planned gifts.
Empower Future Generations
Planned Giving Options
Giving While Living
If you desire to benefit your church or charities close to your heart, like TVSEMINARY, there are many creative and strategic ways to give.

Reduce taxes
while blessing your children, charities, and your church.
To receive a free no-obligation Planned Giving Packet by US Mail, please click "Request Packet" and provide your mailing address.
Estate Planning
Three major challenges stand in your way to leaving a legacy
When you’re thinking about leaving a legacy with your estate, you face three major challenges.
  • First, taxes can be a source of confusion and frustration. Every asset has the potential to be taxed differently. There are three groups that go after your assets when you pass away: heirs, charity, and ‘Uncle Sam.’ With proper planning, you can choose any two out of these three to bless!
  • The second challenge of legacy planning is long-term illness. With costs exceeding $100,000 per year for skilled nursing care, you must understand ways to protect your assets from the effects of long-term illness. TVS Ministries' professionals can help you calculate how much your long-term care might cost, and then ensure you plan appropriately.
  • The final challenge is lack of communication. Although often overlooked, the impact of your decisions on family members can be massive. Including them in your process and educating them on your core values can be a vital time of growth and a caring expression of love.
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