Tilda Publishing
Maxim is a Seventh Day Adventist Church's senior leader with over 3000 members scattered throughout his country. Along with Maxim, many of these churches utilize TVS course materials.
Curiosity led Michael, an atheist, and teacher of history and religious studies in Kazakhstan, to attend a worship service held at a local factory where he was given a free hymnal. He visited a few times and remembered the words of the hymns “... the kingdom of darkness will quake... and all the enemies will realize their reign is coming to an end.”

Julia is the wife of a Russian-speaking pastor in Jerusalem who takes many courses from TVS to equip her for ministry. She recently completed a coarse on family life entitled “Lessons for Parents,”
TVS Ministries primary goal is to assist the international population, both leaders and seekers, to secure a valuable avenue for Bible teaching. Please access yourself or refer others to our website and click the appropriate language to view our entire catalog.
  • Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
  • Spiritual gifts
  • Genesis
  • Church Planting
  • Theology of Rest
  • Real Churches
  • The Book of Acts
  • The Gospel and Islam
  • Cross-cultural Communication
  • Spiritual Formation: The Untroubled Heart
  • Church Discipline: Fallen, Broken, Restored
  • World Religion
TVS Ministries asks that our American students donate toward their course tuition. Our work depends upon the faithful generosity of our partners and students.
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