We are first and foremost a FAITH-BASED MINISTRY, and we covet your prayers for the organization, our staff, and our students. We also invite prayer for and during our major events. As persecution around the world continues to increase, we cannot survive without your prayers! Please consider signing up for a monthly edition of The Broadcast for specific prayer needs, current news from TVS Ministries, and a schedule and update of our events. Your faithfulness to the commitment of prayer for our work is much appreciated.
Translating now in six languages, the vision of TVS Ministries is to create an online school in as many global language groups as possible. We are increasingly involved with more people and organizations who, like us, want to see both leaders and laypeople equipped with the truth of the gospel for ministry and application for personal Christian growth. If you share this same vision, please consider learning more about a specific course translation project.
You can get involved with translation projects by:
TVS Ministries began 21 years ago by pastors of an Evangelical Free Church in Nebraska called as missionaries to Russia. With many church ties from different denominations across the country, we continue to make new friends and partner with churches through their mission boards and congregations. Together, we are impacting the world with the most economical Bible training available
You can help us by:
Submit your e-mail or call 903.701.5011 for additional information on how your church can become involved in our work.
Submit your e-mail or call 903.701.5011 for additional information on how you can participate in a study free of charge.